In 2016, Cedric graduated from a town in West Texas and joined the United States Army, following his passion to uphold freedom and democracy. Throughout his service and training he won many honors and awards for his achievements. He completed Ranger School in 2021 and in March 2023, he concluded his career for the US Army. When the war started in Ukraine, he strongly felt the need to join the forces and defend world freedoms and values. On March 15th, 2024 Cedric Hamm took action in a mission with his international team of brothers and gave his life for Ukraine.
After a long search and coordination, his remains arrived in Texas in December of 2024. Local Ukrainians met with the family at the viewing in show of support. Our Board Member, Chrystya Geremesz, offered condolences and prayer for the family while gifting a Ukrainian Flag for them to remember Ukraine, a country that will remember him always. May Cedric rest in peace and for his service, we honor his name and legacy as a hero and warrior who made the ultimate sacrifice. Slava Ukraini, Heroyem Slava!